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发布者:抗性基因网 时间:2021-07-06 浏览量:688


       渤海和黄海经济圈的快速发展引发了对海洋环境新污染的担忧。本研究调查了渤海和黄海地区抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的空间分布。对渤海、黄海及鸭绿江口至长江沿岸主要城市进行了大规模采样。基于绝对丰度的目标ARGs空间分布呈河水≈沿海>渤海>黄海,近海>近海和内湾>湾口的趋势。沿海水域所选ARGs的总绝对丰度(1.23×104-3.94×105拷贝/mL)比海洋中的(21.1-8.00×103拷贝/mL)高约1-4个数量级。黄海及沿海地区ARGs丰度波动较大。磺胺类抗性基因在渤海和黄海的丰度最高(sul1 高达 2.13×103 拷贝/mL,sul2 高达 6.23×103 拷贝/mL),其次是四环素和喹诺酮类抗性基因,而 qnrA 的丰度最高沿海地区(高达 3.66×105 份/毫升)。在大多数不同水生系统中,目标基因在沉积物和相应水样之间的分布系数大于1.0。根据主成分分析和冗余分析,从海洋采集的水样聚集在一起,而从沿海和河流采集的水样分开。铵和硝酸盐在 ARGs 的分布和变异中起重要作用。共生网络分析表明,在黄海检测到的潜在多抗生素耐药菌的丰度高于渤海。这些观察为渤海和黄海地区ARGs的污染状况提供了全面的新见解。

       Rapid development of Bohai and Yellow Sea Economic Rim has led to the concern of emerging contamination of marine environments. This study investigated the spatial distribution of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in Bohai and Yellow Sea areas. A large scale sampling from Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and the major cities along the coastline from the mouth of Yalu River to the Yangtze River was performed. The spatial distribution of target ARGs based on the absolute abundances was in the trend of river water ≈ coastal water > the Bohai Sea > the Yellow Sea, inshore > offshore and inner bay > bay mouth. The total absolute abundances of selected ARGs in the coastal waters (1.23 × 104–3.94 × 105 copies/mL) were about 1–4 orders of magnitude higher than those in the sea (21.1–8.00 × 103 copies/mL). The abundances of ARGs fluctuated greatly in the Yellow Sea and the coastal areas. Sulfonamide resistance genes hold the highest abundances in the Bohai and Yellow Sea (up to 2.13 × 103 copies/mL of sul1 and 6.23 × 103 copies/mL of sul2), followed by tetracycline and quinolone resistance genes, while qnrA hold the highest abundances in coastal areas (up to 3.66 × 105 copies/mL). The distribution coefficients of target genes between sediments and corresponding water samples were more than 1.0 in the majority of different aquatic systems. According to the principle component analysis and redundancy analysis, water samples collected from the sea clustered together while those from the coastal zone and rivers were separated. Ammonium and nitrate played important roles in the distribution and variation of ARGs. Co-occurrence network analysis revealed that the potential multi-antibiotics resistant bacteria were detected with higher abundances in the Yellow Sea than in the Bohai Sea. These observations provided a comprehensive new insight into the pollution status of ARGs in the Bohai and Yellow Sea areas.
