发布者:抗性基因网 时间:2021-09-22 浏览量:609
种植用于作物生产的场地是一项重要的农业实践。如果粪便中携带的耐抗生素肠道细菌被转移到原始食用的作物上,人类或动物的食用将代表接触抗生素耐药基因的途径。 在土地应用之前处理粪便是减少与粪便应用结合的抗生素耐药基因丰度的潜在管理选择。 在这项研究中,未经处理、厌氧消化、机械脱水或堆肥的乳制品粪便被应用于田间地头,然后被裁剪成生菜、胡萝卜和萝卜。治疗对粪肥成分的影响,应用后土壤中抗生素耐药基因靶点的持久性,并确定了收获时蔬菜上抗生素耐药基因和细菌的分布情况。与其他粪便相比,堆肥的抗生素耐药基因靶点的丰度最低。各种粪便在陆地应用后抗生素耐药基因的持久性特征没有显著差异。与未受污染的土壤相比,在接受生肥或消化粪便的土壤中更频繁地检测出抗生素耐药基因,而它们不在土壤中接受堆肥粪便。目前的研究表明,在地面种植的蔬菜接受生肥或消化粪便有被粪便传播的抗生素耐药细菌污染的风险,而在地面上种植的蔬菜接收堆肥粪便则不那么如此。
Planting sites for crop production is an important agricultural practice. If the antibiotic-resistant intestinal bacteria carried in the feces are transferred to the original edible crops, human or animal consumption will represent a way of exposure to antibiotic resistance genes. Treating manure before land application is a potential management option to reduce the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes combined with manure application. In this study, untreated, anaerobic digested, mechanically dehydrated or composted dairy manure was applied to the field and then cut into lettuce, carrots and turnips. The effect of treatment on the composition of manure, the persistence of antibiotic resistance gene targets in the soil after application, and the distribution of antibiotic resistance genes and bacteria on vegetables at harvest time were determined. Compared with other manures, compost has the lowest abundance of antibiotic resistance gene targets. There was no significant difference in the persistence characteristics of antibiotic resistance genes after various feces were applied on land. Compared with uncontaminated soil, antibiotic resistance genes were detected more frequently in soils that received raw manure or digested manure, while they did not receive composted manure in the soil. Current research shows that vegetables grown on the ground receive raw fertilizer or digested feces are at risk of being contaminated by fecal-transmitted antibiotic-resistant bacteria, while vegetables grown on the ground receive composted feces.