发布者:抗性基因网 时间:2021-09-22 浏览量:688
近年来,越来越多的抗生素类药物用于在医疗、畜禽和水产养殖业。由于其机体代谢率低,大部分以原药或代谢物的形式经由尿液和粪便排出体外进入环境中,造成抗生素在水体和土壤等环境介质中的残留。这些残留的抗生素会导致潜在的环境风险,其中最严重的是会诱发和传播各类抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs),进而对人类健康产生威胁。本文介绍了环境中抗生素的来源,归趋和残留状况,并且对其所引起的生态毒性效应以及ARGs进行总结,最后指出了目前研究中存在的问题,并对未来研究进行了展望。
In recent years, more and more antibiotics have been used in medical, livestock and aquaculture industries. Due to its low metabolic rate, most of them are excreted into the environment through urine and feces in the form of original drugs or metabolites, resulting in the residue of antibiotics in environmental media such as water and soil. These residual antibiotics will lead to potential environmental risks, the most serious of which is that they will induce and spread various types of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), thereby posing a threat to human health. This article introduces the source, fate and residual status of antibiotics in the environment, and summarizes the ecotoxic effects and ARGs caused by them. Finally, it points out the existing problems in the current research and prospects for future research.